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林穎俊 - Being a Better Learner with ChatGPT - 2023 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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Being a Better Learner with ChatGPT

Time / Place:

⏱️ 09/16 (Sat.) 10:30-11:00 at R3 - 1st Conference Room ( Academia Sinica Academic Activities Center )


How can students become a better learners through ChatGPT? This presentation outlines the implementation of ChatGPT in primary education to facilitate deepening learning. It delves into the application of six evidence-based learning strategies, each coupled with corresponding prompts

如何透過 ChatGPT 成為更好的學習者,分享內容在於在小學的教學中使用 ChatGPT 以促進學生更深度的學習進而到依據 Evidence-based learning strategies 提出的六個學學策略跟對應的 prompts 以幫助學生成為更好的學習者

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    Website: https://www.facebook.com/gatelynch
  • Jhong Shan Elementary School of Yilan County / Section Chief of Information Technology
  • 林穎俊擔任宜蘭縣中山國小的教師與資訊組長,對於學習與教學充滿熱情。他熱愛與孩子們互動,認為擔任老師是全世界最具意義且充實的職業。他堅信數位學習能夠有效地培養孩子們的協作、溝通、創意以及批判性思考能力,同時為孩子們提供成功自學的契機。

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