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李海碩 - Future-Proofing Humanity: Strategies for Thriving in an AI-Dominated Epoch - 2023 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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Future-Proofing Humanity: Strategies for Thriving in an AI-Dominated Epoch

Time / Place:

⏱️ 09/16 (Sat.) 11:00-11:30 at R3 - 1st Conference Room ( Academia Sinica Academic Activities Center )


In the rapidly advancing age of Artificial Intelligence, esteemed global institutions have underscored the urgent need for reskilling and upskilling. As we find ourselves at the crossroads of technology and tradition, it becomes crucial to identify sustainable avenues for concerted effort and investment. Synthesizing insights from leading research entities, Haishuo will demystify the essential competencies set to define the AI-centric world. Delve deep as Haishuo showcases cutting-edge AI applications in educational landscapes worldwide and articulates spheres where the human touch remains irreplaceable.The presentation strives to offer an integrative exploration of present-day research, forward-looking perspectives, and the age-old human strengths that promise to endure. Come to the talk for a humble presentation of the intertwining destinies of AI and human resilience - an enlightening engagement, offering tools to chart our course in an AI-augmented future.

在人工智慧急速發展的時代,世界各大知名機構都強調了重新學習和提升技能的迫切需要。當我們處於技術和傳統的交叉路口,確定可永續投入的方向已變得至關重要。綜整全球各研究機構的洞見,海碩將向您稟報 AI 為中心世界的核心素養,深入探索全球教育風景中的尖端 AI 應用,並強調人類知能無可取代的領域。此演講旨在提供現今研究、前瞻性視角和人類亙古知能的綜合探索,期能在變動的時代提供永續發展的力量。請蒞臨本次演講,聆聽 AI 和人類韌性相互交織的命運的淺見,期能拋磚引玉,共同探討引領在 AI 增強未來道路上可用的工具。

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  • 李海碩 Lee Haishuo
    Website: https://www.meethaishuolee.com/
  • Wagor International School / Superintendent
  • 李海碩長期專注在國際教育、語言教育、與科技教育與創新領域。目前擔任葳格國際學校的總校長與 1111 生成式 AI 創新學院的執行長,致力推廣 AIGC 相關應用。他擁有全民英檢和 TOEIC 的全數滿分,並且是台灣僅有的五位多益官方講師之一。海碩畢業於國立交通大學教育研究所數位學習組,並正就讀於密涅瓦大學的決策分析碩士 (MDA)。在國際演講會曾獲九個台灣全國冠軍和一個亞洲區即席演講冠軍的榮銜,並是台灣首開風氣之先的 ChatGPT 免費線上課程教師,可彰顯其推動創新和人工智慧教育的決心。

    With a sustained focus on international, language, and technological education and innovation, Haishuo Lee serves as the Superintendent of Wagor International School and the CEO of 1111 AIGC Innovation Academy. He is devoted to promoting the application of AIGC. A holder of full scores in GEPT and TOEIC, he is also one of the only five TOEIC Propell Trainers in Taiwan. He graduated from the Digital Learning Division, Institute of Education, National Chiao Tung University and is currently pursuing a Master of Decision Analysis at Minerva University. As a member in Toastmasters International, he has clinched nine national championships in Taiwan and one impromptu speech championship in Asia. He pioneered the first-ever free online ChatGPT course in Taiwan, underscoring his commitment to driving innovation and AI education.

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