Qualcomm is enabling a world where everyone and everything can be intelligently connected. Our one technology roadmap allows us to efficiently scale the technologies that launched the mobile revolution – including advanced connectivity, high-performance, low-power compute, on-device intelligence and more – to the next generation of connected smart devices across industries. Innovations from Qualcomm and our family of Snapdragon platforms will help enable cloud-edge convergence, transform industries, accelerate the digital economy, and revolutionize how we experience the world, for the greater good.
勤業眾信(Deloitte & Touche)迄今在業界領導地位能屹立不搖之基石,以「Innovation變革創新,Impact樹立典範, Leadership卓越領導」三大指標,達成持續保持專業領先,緊密結合全球一心去全力實踐,為客戶提供無懈可擊的全球客戶服務。Fortune Global 500大中,超過90%的企業皆由Deloitte遍及全球逾150個國家的會員所,以世界級優質專業服務,為客戶提供因應複雜商業挑戰中所需的卓越見解。
協助企業掌握數位先機 - 勤業眾信/數位轉型服務團隊
Benchmark of Excellence
Deloitte, refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), has stood as a leading firm in the industry for many years. We believe that our commitment to innovation, impact, and leadership has been essential to our success and believe that enable us to provide our clients with impeccable services. Deloitte provides diversity of services to nearly 90% of the Fortune Global 500® and thousands of private companies.
Deloitte Taiwan - Digital Transformation Services Group
Digital transformation services group includes thousands of consultants, and variety of digital experts. We cooperate with the world's most influential alliance partners to create solutions and create values and aims to help enterprises in Taiwan to grasp the power of digitalization by defining, reshaping, launching, executing and formulate digital transformation strategies and plans. By constantly innovating, growing, and thriving, the enterprises will be the model of the their own industry.
身為國內資通訊與數位應用服務先驅,遠傳電信以卓越的網路技術、創新的數位服務、便捷的企業應用,提供各類切合用戶需求的優質產品與服務,網路品質多次獲第三方公正單位肯定,以科技拉近人與人之間的距離,實現「只有遠傳 沒有距離」的品牌承諾。遠傳持續發展大人物(大數據、人工智慧、物聯網)、雲端與資安核心技術,打造多元智慧應用與資訊科技專業服務,不僅實踐自身數位轉型,更致力於消費者生活、企業及公部門的數位、淨零雙轉型,落實全新品牌宣言「靠得更近 想得更遠」,成為您的最佳數位夥伴!
Far EasTone Telecommunications(FET) is a leading company in Taiwan which provides telecommunications and digital application services. FET has leveraged its "Big data, AI, and IoT" core competencies, integrated Cloud, Security and Information Technology Professional Services to implement digital transformation. FET aspires to assist consumers, enterprises, and public sectors to formulate a vision for digital and net zero transformation through our innovating technologies and services, ringing new milestone with " For Every Thought, We Go Further ".
關於 NetApp
About NetApp
NetApp is a global, cloud-led, data-centric software company that empowers organizations to lead with data in the age of accelerated digital transformation. The company provides systems, software, and cloud services that enable them to run their applications optimally from the data center to the cloud, whether they are developing in the cloud, moving to the cloud, or creating their own cloudlike experiences on premises. With solutions that perform across diverse environments, NetApp helps organizations build their own data fabric and securely deliver the right data, services, and applications to the right people—anytime, anywhere. Learn more at www.netapp.com/zh-hant/ or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.
新立資訊,專注於提供客戶卓越品質與專業的資訊系統整合服務。我們的使命在於協助企業客戶實現數位轉型,整合資訊技術,並在快速演進的資訊科技領域中保持領先優勢。為了提供最佳服務品質,我們與全球IT領導品牌建立長期穩固的夥伴關係,其中包括DellEMC、HPE、Palo Alto、MongoDB、VMware、Security Scorecard等頂尖品牌,選擇新立資訊,您將能夠輕鬆坐擁創新技術,加速您公司的數位轉型之路。
為您提供專業整合服務: 在這個快速變動的資訊時代,企業內外部的資訊快速增長,數位轉型日益重要。新立資訊以最專業的服務態度,提供客戶全面性的資訊系統規畫與建置建議,確保客戶能在變異多端的資訊潮流中保持競爭優勢。我們致力於為客戶創造雙贏的成果,使客戶能夠充分受益於我們的服務,達成企業目標。
Osystem company dedicated to providing customers with excellent quality and professional DX services. Our mission is to assist enterprise clients in achieving digital transformation, integrating information technology, and maintaining a leading edge in the rapidly evolving field of information technology. To ensure the best service quality, we have established long-term and solid partnerships with global IT leaders, including DellEMC, HPE, Palo Alto, MongoDB, VMware, Security Scorecard, and other top brands. By choosing Osystem, you will effortlessly embrace innovative technologies and accelerate your company's digital transformation journey.
We offer you professional integration services: In this fast-changing era of information, the rapid growth of internal and external information within enterprises makes digital transformation increasingly crucial. With the utmost professionalism, Osystem provides comprehensive information system planning and deployment advice to ensure clients maintain a competitive advantage amidst the ever-changing information trends. We are committed to creating mutually beneficial outcomes for our clients, enabling them to fully benefit from our services and achieve their business goals.
數位行銷專家cacaFly與Google Cloud 攜手合作推出雲端智能中心(Cloud AI+ Center),並透過 Google Cloud 雲端服務提供企業基礎設施、AI人工智慧 、數據分析、機器學習等雲端技術服務,幫助企業加速數位轉型的腳步。
此外,cacaFly 與 Google Cloud 的合作,未來將成為企業整合數位行銷、數據分析以及雲端技術的堅強技術團隊。 為了實現此願景,cacaFly也積極的再訓練及招聘相關人才,職務包括雲端架構師、雲端工程師、雲端數據顧問等職務。
Taipei, Taiwan – Local digital marketing agency cacaFly and Google Cloud have partnered up to launch Cloud AI+ Solution Center in Taiwan. This will help enterprises accelerate their digital transformation by offering Google Cloud Platform services for AI applications, data analysis, and cloud technology.
In addition, the partnership with Google Cloud will be the foundation of a marketing and enterprise ecosystem that incorporates marketing, data analytics, and cloud technology. In order to realise this vision, the company is actively recruiting related talents, including cloud architects, cloud engineers, cloud data consultants.
伊雲谷數位科技(6689)成立於 2013 年,以「Redefine IT with Cloud」為使命,提供多雲為基礎的一站式雲端解決方案(AWS、Azure、Google Cloud、Oracle Cloud),並與SAP、Oracle、Salesforce等結盟,將企業級應用搬遷上雲,結合大數據、人工智慧、資安、ESG等加值應用,協助企業釋放數位潛能。從台灣出發,伊雲谷至今為上千家客戶以雲端推動數位轉型進程,在全球已擁有超過 650 名員工,據點橫跨全球,包括台灣、中國、香港、菲律賓、新加坡、美國、馬來西亞、泰國、印尼、越南及澳洲。
eCloudvalley (TWSE: 6689) was established in 2013. With its mission to "Redefine IT with Cloud", eCloudvally provides "one-stop multi-cloud solutions" (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and Oracle Cloud) and value-added applications such as data, AI, cyber security, and ESG, to enable enterprises to unleash their digital potential and assist them in accelerating digital transformation through the cloud strategy. As of today, we're over 650 employees strong with a geographic presence across the world, including Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Singapore, the United States, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and Australia..
About Intel
Intel (Nasdaq: INTC) is an industry leader, creating world-changing technology that enables global progress and enriches lives. Inspired by Moore’s Law, we continuously work to advance the design and manufacturing of semiconductors to help address our customers’ greatest challenges. By embedding intelligence in the cloud, network, edge and every kind of computing device, we unleash the potential of data to transform business and society for the better. To learn more about Intel’s innovations, go to newsroom.intel.com and intel.com。.
© Intel Corporation. Intel, the Intel logo and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
E.SUN Bank was established in 1992, which was named after the highest mountain in Taiwan. We offer warm and attentive services with sincerity and have become customers’ first choice in financial services. As Fintech emerges as the fastest growing tech sector, E.SUN has established the first Intelligent Banking Division to provide a variety of AI-enabled financial services. The exceptional overall performance has been recognized by the world-renowned technology consulting firm “International Data Corporation” (IDC), which has awarded the highest honor of " Future Enterprise of The Year". In other words, it highlights E.SUN’s achievements in IT infrastructure, operational resilience, financial technology and other areas, and we will continue to provide more innovative financial services to our customers. With the teamwork of like-minded financial professionals, we believe E.SUN will be one of the leading banks in the world.