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張榮貴 - Redefining Customer Service in the Generative AI Era - 2023 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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Redefining Customer Service in the Generative AI Era

Time / Place:

⏱️ 09/16 (Sat.) 11:00-11:30 at R2 - 2nd Conference Room


Digital Transformation and Its Impact on Customer Service

整合 GPT 的智能機器人
Chatbot Empowered by GPT Integration

Conversational KM is the Best Service Assistant

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  • 張榮貴 James Chang
  • AI3 Co. / Chaiman
    ●Chairman, Ai3 Co.
    ●Chairman, Gemfor Tech Co., Ltd.
    ●Co-founder, Chainsea Information Integration Co., Ltd.

    Over 30 years of software development experience, 30 years of CTI/CRM technical integration application development practice. Key achievements include CRM, Contact Center development, call center system integrated development, Chatbot development, big data analysis, etc. Specialized in integrating IT with CRM service processes and structures to offer comprehensive intelligent service processes and information structures. In recent years, has focused on big data and AI technologies, applying them to CRM and customer service domains, developing natural language processing (NLP) technology, creating Chatbot, sentiment analysis systems, conversational commerce, legal compliance systems, etc.

    CRM, Big Data, Chatbot Design and Application, NLP, Sentiment Analysis System, Intelligent Customer Service Planning and Design, Customer Service Center Operation Management, Conversational Commerce, Software Engineering, Project Management, Corporate Management.

    30 幾年軟體開發經驗、30 年 CTI/CRM 技術整合應用發展實務經驗,主要成就有 CRM、Contact Center 產品開發、電話服務中心系統整合開發、AI 服務機器人開發、輿情分析系統、服務大數據分析…等。專精於 CRM 服務流程與服務架構之資訊技術整合,為企業服務提出完整智慧服務流程與資訊架構。
    近年專注於大數據與人工智慧技術,應用於 CRM 與客戶服務領域,發展自然語言處理技術 (NLP),開發 AI 服務機器人、輿情分析系統、服務數據分析、對話式商務、法遵系統…等智慧應用。2017 年至今擔任中華軟協 AI 大數據智慧應用促進會會長,推動產業 AI 智慧應用發展,促使產業 AI 化、AI 產業化。2022 年擔任中華軟協元宇宙發展促進會,持續推動新興科技與產業融合,發展新應用。

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