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何建幟 - The Rise of AI Agents: A Virtual Workforce Available 24/7 - 2023 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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The Rise of AI Agents: A Virtual Workforce Available 24/7

Time / Place:

⏱️ 09/16 (Sat.) 11:30-12:00 at R2 - 2nd Conference Room


Learn how AI agents revolutionize efficiency across industries. We'll dissect the components that make them work: Planning, Memory, Tool Use. Real-world case studies from HelperAI will demonstrate impact on customer service, logistics, and more. Whether you're an academic, a business leader, or just curious, this talk offers actionable insights into AI’s transformative power.

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  • 何建幟 Ernie Ho
    Website: https://helperai.ai/
  • HelperAI & Chainsight / Cofounder & CEO
  • Ernie Ho, an alumnus of Carnegie Mellon University and MIT, is the co-founder and CEO of HelperAI & Chainsight, with a focus on AI applications and innovation. He formerly worked as an AI engineer at Uber’s Self-Driving Center. In 2020, he cofounded Chainsight, an AI-powered platform for blockchain transaction risk analysis, which has been recognized by G20, BIS, governments of US-Japan-Singapore, and Trend Micro. In 2022, he established HelperAI, creating AI agents for major corporations - an 24/7 virtual team that automates customer service and sales processes to boost business productivity. His firm has been invested by Y Combinator, Franklin Templeton, and Samsung.

    何建幟(Ernie Ho),美國卡內基美隆大學及麻省理工學院校友,HelperAI & Chainsight 共同創辦人兼 CEO,專注於 AI 應用與創新,曾任職 Uber 自動駕駛中心。2020 年成立 Chainsight,利用 AI 模型打造區塊鏈交易風險分析平台,榮獲 G20、國際清算銀行、美日星政府與趨勢科技等認證。2022 年成立 HelperAI,為多家大型企業打造 AI 代理人 - 全年無休的虛擬團隊,自動化客服與銷售流程,加速提升企業生產力,目前已獲矽谷頂尖加速器 Y Combinator、美國富蘭克林、三星集團等國際知名機構投資。

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