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Thomas Scialom - Large Language Models, Generative AI and Scaling - 2023 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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The AI Revolution

Time / Place:

⏱️ 09/15 (Fri.) 16:30-17:00 at R0 - International Conference Hall


The rapid evolution of artificial intelligence is ushering in a new era, where large language models are outpacing human experts in fields as diverse as law and medicine. Comprehending this trajectory is essential for gauging the technology's future implications.

In this keynote, Dr. Scialom offers a unique vantage point on the exponential rise and unfolding direction of AI. Through the lens of his own career—from the nascent stages of language models that could barely construct a sentence, to groundbreaking creations like his recent Llama 2—Thomas Scialom will share his personal perspective into the expanding competencies and complexities of Generative AI and large language models.

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Thomas Scialom
  • Thomas Scialom
    Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tscialom/
  • Meta AI / Research Scientist (LLMs)
  • Thomas Scialom is behind some of the world's best-known Generative A.I. projects including Llama 2

    (Co-Lead), Toolformer, Galactica and Unnatural Instruction.

    • Llama 2 is today's top open-source LLM

    • Toolformer is an LLM that learns how to use tools

    • Galactica is an LLM for science

    Dr. Scialom:

    • Is an A.I. Research Scientist at Meta.
    • Has lectured at many of the top A.I. labs (e.g., Google, Stanford, MILA).
    • Is contributing to the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).
    • Holds a PhD from Sorbonne University, where he specialized in Natural-Language Generation with Reinforcement Learning.

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