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李怡志 - Unlocking Innovation with LLM: Integrating Prompt Engineering in Product Development - 2023 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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Unlocking Innovation with LLM: Integrating Prompt Engineering in Product Development

Time / Place:

⏱️ 09/15 (Fri.) 14:30-15:00 at R3 - 1st Conference Room ( Academia Sinica Academic Activities Center )


In this session, product planning is an example to demonstrate how large language models can take on multiple roles and guide project completion through ChatGPT.

The speaker will demonstrate the process from chaos to order, guiding ChatGPT to propose operational workflow and thinking frameworks, present counter arguments, and act as a discussant.

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  • 李怡志 Richy Li
  • National Chengchi University / Assistant Prof., Dept. of Journalism
  • Richy Li is currently a faculty member at the Department of Journalism, National Chengchi University, where he teaches Information Visualization, Internet Product Development, and New Feature Reporting. His research focuses on the impact of technology on news organizations and innovation within the newsroom. Starting in 2023, he has incorporated Generative AI into several courses. He has previously served as the Editor-in-Chief at Yahoo Taiwan, and his work has been honored with a Digital Golden Tripod Award, as well as a nomination for the Online Journalism Awards in the USA.

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