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黃彥男 - AI Safety - 2023 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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Academia Sinica Service LLM Wisdom: Knowing What it Actually Don't Know

Time / Place:

⏱️ 09/15 (Fri.) 14:00-14:30 at R0 - International Conference Hall


With the rise of large language models, many companies and organizations have attempted to leverage this powerful tool to manage their proprietary data. At Academia Sinica, we are also focused on developing a useful LLM service system, SinicaWisdom, to facilitate administrative work. Generally, large language models provide responses based on the information they have encountered in the training data. However, when faced with questions they cannot answer, large language models tend to provide incorrect responses rather than admitting they don't know. This behavior necessitates a significant amount of effort in terms of re-inspection or re-examination.

Furthermore, to restrict the information used by large language models for proprietary data, an information retrieval system is typically employed as the front-end system to initially gather documents relevant to the question. This practice limits the knowledge that LLMs can access and exacerbates this issue. In this presentation, we will discuss how we have enabled SinicaWisdom to "acknowledge what it does not know" and provide additional helpful information instead of simply stating "I cannot answer."

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  • 黃彥男 Yennun Huang
    Website: https://www.citi.sinica.edu.tw/pages/yennunhuang/contact_en.html
  • Academia Sinica / Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Director
  • Dr Huang is the Director for Research Center for Information Technology Innovation (CITI), Academia Sinica, Taiwan. He is also a Board Member, of TRADE-VAN, a Joint Professor of IoT Research Center, Natiaon Taiwan university, a Joint Professor of College of AI, National Yan Ming Chiao Tung University and a Supervisor of Taiwan AI Academy. Dr. Huang received his PhD in Computer Science from University of Maryland. He Joined AT&T Bell Labs in 1989. His work on Software Implemented Fault Tolerance (SwiFT) tools was applied to tens of telecommunication systems in AT&T and was named one of the ten major technology breakthroughs in Bell Laboratories in 1992. He became a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff of Bell Labs in 1996. He started the Dependable Computing Research Department in AT&T in 1999 and was the department head to ensure the high dependability of all AT&T services. In 2004, Dr. Huang became the Executive Director of Dependable Distributed Computing and Communication Research Department to lead AT&T dependability research programs. In 2007, Dr. Huang became the Executive Vice President of Institute for Information Industry of Taiwan. Dr. Huang has more than 20 US patents and 150 papers published in well-known journals and conferences. His Software rejuvenation paper was awarded Jean-Claude Laprie Award in 2019. Dr. Huang was also the Deputy Executive Secretary of Science and Technology Advisory Group of Executive Yuan, helping Taiwan Government on the Information and Communication Technology development policy and funding allocation between 2010 and 2015. Dr. Huang is an IEEE Fellow.
  • Co-panelists:
    古倫維 Lun-Wei Ku

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