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邱浩修 - Creativity with Generative AI in the Design and Architecture Industry - 2023 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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Creativity with Generative AI in the Design and Architecture Industry

Time / Place:

⏱️ 09/15 (Fri.) 14:30-15:00 at R2 - 2nd Conference Room


Generative AI is undoubtedly making dramatic changes in many industries and cultures, including architecture. It allows us to imagine more efficiently, produce a greater variety of design solutions, test the effectiveness of our solutions with simulations, and control the performance of buildings once they are constructed. For the first time, the evolution of AI technology has transformed from an external "productivity improvement" of design tools to an internal "replacement of thinking power"? Even touching the new boundary of "creative reinvention". As an architect who has always integrated creativity into practice, how should we make adjustments and respond to the intelligent design process? This talk intends to demonstrates various possibilities of how the architecture and design industry can effectively use visual generated AI to accelerate design creativity and motivate innovation.

AI 人工智慧無疑將會對未來建築文化,產生多方面的重大改變。它將允許我們更有效率地進行 設計、生產更多樣的設計方案、以模擬測試我們方案的有效性,以及控制建築建造後的效能。 尤其是生成式人工智慧的急速發展,AI 技術演進第一次從一種外在設計工具的“生產力提升”, 轉變為一種內在的“思考力替代”?甚至觸碰到“創造力重塑”的新邊界。向來作為創意到實踐整 合的建築師,面對智能化的建築生產過程,該如何做出調整與因應?本演講分享將就建築與設 計產業如何有效運用圖像生成式 AI,加速設計創意與流程創新的各種可能。

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  • 邱浩修 Hao-Hsiu Chiu
  • Tunghai Uiversity / Department of Architecture, Associate Professor
  • Specializes in contemporary architectural criticism, parametric design and digital construction, hybrid (virtual-real) integrated space design, and smart design in sustainability. Academic research and design practice have been committed to exploring how the continuous evolution of contemporary digital and smart technology can affect global and local social culture. Focusing on digital design methods and application theories he tries to construct the meaningful dialogue and dialectical possibility between Taiwan and the world through architectural discourse, curation and creation.


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