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王俊權 - The Current State and Future Prospects of AI-Enabled Financial Services - 2023 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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The Current State and Future Prospects of AI-Enabled Financial Services

Time / Place:

⏱️ 09/15 (Fri.) 16:00-16:30 at R3 - 1st Conference Room ( Academia Sinica Academic Activities Center )


In today’s seminar, we delved into the profound impact of AI technology on financial services. We elucidated the categories of AI and its current state in the Taiwanese financial sector, highlighting its pivotal role in optimizing business processes and enhancing customer service. Through case analyses, we demonstrated how AI fosters more efficient and secure financial solutions. Looking forward, we foresee AI continually driving innovation and progression in the industry. 在今日的研討會中,我們探討了 AI 技術對金融服務的深刻影響。我們說明了 AI 的類型和其在台灣金融業的現況,突顯其在優化業務流程和提升客戶服務中的核心角色。透過案例分析,我們展示了 AI 如何塑造更有效和安全的金融解決方案。展望未來,我們預見 AI 將持續推動業界的創新和進步。

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  • 王俊權 Friedman Wang
  • Data Intelligence R&D Division / Executive Vice President
  • 中信金控數據暨科技研發處處長,負責集團數據規劃與 AI 科技研發業務,研發成果於外部得到美國 NIST 機構與國際各大學術機構認證具備領先性與創新性,其整合科技落地金融應用的商轉業務模式也屢得 Gartner、IDC 與 WCIT 等全球創新獎項肯定。內部以 +AI 與 AI+ 之雙策略基調,廣泛落地於金控內各個金融場景,涵蓋個人金融業務、法人金融業務、人壽業務、風險管理業務與 HR 業務等。

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