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王宗業 - Generative AI on Intel® architecture - 2023 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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Generative AI on Intel® architecture

Time / Place:

⏱️ 09/15 (Fri.) 13:30-14:00 at R1 - 1st Conference Room


Generative AI is causing impacts across various industries worldwide. For Taiwan's industries, it represents a significant challenge, but also a rare opportunity. Currently, there are numerous open-source generative AI pre-trained models, platforms services and resources available. The ability to optimize open-source pre-trained models and tools will be crucial for unique competitive advantages.

Intel AI Everywhere can accelerate innovation throughout the entire AI product development cycle. It allows you to maximize the value of your products and services, and enables easy deployment on both the cloud and edge, while maintaining information security and regulatory compliance. Through examples of popular applications like Stable Diffusion and Llama2 in generative AI, we will explore how the advantages of Intel's software and hardware architecture empower everyone to grasp the opportunities of generative AI.

生成式 AI 正在對全球各個產業帶來衝擊,對臺灣產業是巨大挑戰,更是難得的機遇. 目前有許多 open source 的生成式 AI 預訓練模型跟平台服務與資源,擁有優化開源預訓練模型與工具的能力將會是產生獨特競爭力的關鍵.

Intel AI Everywhere 可以加速整個 AI 產品開發週期的創新, 讓你的產品與服務價值最大化, 並且可以方便的在受到資安保護且符合法規的條件下布署到 cloud 以及 edge. 透過最熱門的 stable diffusion 以及 llama2 等生成式 AI 應用實例的方享, 探討 Intel 軟硬體架構的優勢如何讓大家掌握生成式 AI 的機遇,

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  • 王宗業 Chungyeh Wang
  • Intel / Platform Software Architect
  • 美商英特爾公司平台研發協理,負責 Intel Edge AI 平台的客戶以及生態系統開發。擔任過台灣人工智慧學校經理人班,技術領袖班與 Edge AI 專班以及大專院校的深度學習課程業師,具有豐富的產業經驗。
  • Co-panelists:
    胡瑛敏 Amy Hu

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